Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Where are you, Baby?

Ever since we had our surprisingly pleasant and encouraging pscyhological evaluation ( on March 7th, I have been wondering if this whole adoption thing is going to happen a lot faster than we had been exepcting!

It's wild and wonderful to know that there is a little person out there, probably already born, who will be joining our family forever in a matter of months.

Lots of questions are floating around in my head right now:
*what does she look like?
*what name has she been given?
*will she think we're strange at first because we smell and talk and look and act like foreigners?
*what will it be like to meet her for the first time? will she be afraid of us or will she sense our love and good intentions toward her?
*how long will it take to really bond and feel like a family?

The weird thing about adoption is that you are every bit as expectant as someone who is pregnant, but you can't pinpoint exactly where you are in the journey toward knowing this little one who's coming. Of course, even when you're pregnant you sometimes don't have that certainty, as I'm discovering walking alongside my friend Amy through her pregnancy here in the Czech Republic. Surprisingly, the doctors still aren't exactly sure how far along she is, and she's somewhere in the second trimester!

So, I guess there are really no certainties in the process of becoming a parent, and maybe it's better that way. As it is, we have no choice but to lean fully on our Heavenly Parent who delights in walking this road with us and watching us become more the people he knows we can be.

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